Publication detail
Is there any correlation between S4 and Charpy test?
Czech title
Existuje korelace mezi S4 testem a Charpyho zkouškou?
English title
Is there any correlation between S4 and Charpy test?
Original abstract
Successive polyethylene (HDPE) pipes for distribution of gas and liquid medium have already been applied for a few decades. Small crack growth (SCG) limits the lifetime of polyethylene pipes. The extra ordinary circumstances (impacts) can evolve creation of stress raisers that can lead to form a crack and its rapid propagation. There are two tests, full – scale test (FST) and small – scale steady – state (S4) test that can estimate resistance against this phenomena. S4 test can be carried out in a lab. Nevertheless, it is rather expensive. Much work has been done in development alternative tests which would be able to measure fracture parameters responsible for Rapid Crack Propagation (RCP). This contribution deals with the application of alternative tests and their correlations with results of S4 test.
Czech abstract
Článek se zabývá aplikací alternativních testů a korelací jejich výsledků s výsledky S4 testu.
English abstract
Successive polyethylene (HDPE) pipes for distribution of gas and liquid medium have already been applied for a few decades. Small crack growth (SCG) limits the lifetime of polyethylene pipes. The extra ordinary circumstances (impacts) can evolve creation of stress raisers that can lead to form a crack and its rapid propagation. There are two tests, full – scale test (FST) and small – scale steady – state (S4) test that can estimate resistance against this phenomena. S4 test can be carried out in a lab. Nevertheless, it is rather expensive. Much work has been done in development alternative tests which would be able to measure fracture parameters responsible for Rapid Crack Propagation (RCP). This contribution deals with the application of alternative tests and their correlations with results of S4 test.
Keywords in English
Full scale test, rapid crack propagation
Martin - Lutter - Universitat Halle - Wittenberg
Martin - Lutter - Universitat Halle - Wittenberg