Publication detail
Mobile manipulator - redundancy resolution and collision avoidance
Czech title
Mobilní manipulátor - řešení redundance a bezkolizního pohybu
English title
Mobile manipulator - redundancy resolution and collision avoidance
conference paper
Original abstract
The mobile manipulator (MM) consists of the manipulator arm mounted on the mobile platform. This system is kinematically redundant, formed by the addition of the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the platform to those of the arm. The task considered in this study is that the gripper of the MM is guided by a human operator in real-time. Redundancy resolution of the MM and collision avoidance of the platform are solved locally (on-line). The obstacle avoidance algorithm is based on the generalized potential Żelds, which depend on robot's velocity as well as its position. Paper presents new technique of computation of generalized potentials using linear programming. The choice of the suitable coordinate frame, in which the MM gripper is controlled, is discussed.
Czech abstract
Mobilní manipulátor (MM) sestává z ramene umístěného na mobilní platformě. jedná se o redundantní systém. Počet jeho stupňů volnosti je dán součtem stupňů volnosti ramene a platformy. Chapadlo manipulátoru je v prostoru naváděno člověkem – operátorem v reálném čase. MM je vybaven systémem řešení redundance a bezkolizního pohybu, který rovněž pracuje v reálném čase. Řešení bezkolizního pohybu je založeno na metodě zobecněných potenciálových polí, které záleží na pozici a rychlosti robota. Článek popisuje způsob řešení těchto polí pomocí lineárního programování. Rovněž je diskutována volba vhodného systému souřadnic ve kterých je MM řízen.
English abstract
The mobile manipulator (MM) consists of the manipulator arm mounted on the mobile platform. This system is kinematically redundant, formed by the addition of the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the platform to those of the arm. The task considered in this study is that the gripper of the MM is guided by a human operator in real-time. Redundancy resolution of the MM and collision avoidance of the platform are solved locally (on-line). The obstacle avoidance algorithm is based on the generalized potential Żelds, which depend on robot's velocity as well as its position. Paper presents new technique of computation of generalized potentials using linear programming. The choice of the suitable coordinate frame, in which the MM gripper is controlled, is discussed.
Keywords in English
mobile manipulator, redundant manipulator, collision avoidance, linear programming, telepresence
RIV year
University of Maribor
Maribor, Slovenia
Proceedings of the 9th Int. Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region
Pages count
author="Bohumil {Honzík},
title="Mobile manipulator – redundancy resolution and collision avoidance",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 9th Int. Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region",
publisher="University of Maribor",
address="Maribor, Slovenia"