Patent detail
Tri-fluid nozzle
Czech title
Třímédiová tryska
English title
Tri-fluid nozzle
Patent type
Czech abstract
Atomizace kapalin s vysokou či proměnnou viskozitou a/nebo pevnými částicemi je v současnosti prováděna zejména dvoumédiovými tryskami typu airblast, air-assist nebo effervescent za pomoci atomizačního plynu. Uvedený patent řeší tento problém pomocí kombinované trysky effervescent a Y. Tato verze umožňuje nezávislou regulaci obou kapalin, kvalitní atomizaci i při nízkém tlaku. Více v anglické verzi.
English abstract
Combustion of waste fuels becomes more and more commonplace. The waste liquids often have low heating value, variable physical properties and may contain solid particles. It is necessary to account for these features when selecting an appropriate atomizer. Our atomizer enables simultaneous atomization of two liquids; one with high viscosity, low heating value and included particles up to 2mm in diameter. The second liquid, oil, let has a higher heating value and is used to assure an effective combustion. The atomizer enables an independent control of both liquid flow-rates. The atomizer should be operated under low fluid pressure about 0.2-0.3 MPa and should provide a stable spray of good quality to improve combustion efficiency and decrease exhaust gas emissions compared to the current design. Atomizer description: The atomizer consists of two independent parts. A multi-hole Y-jet nozzle is used for atomization of the oil. It has an annular passage with 6 exit orifices. Superheated steam or air can be used as an atomizing gas. The polymer solution is atomized using effervescent nozzle in the central part of the atomizer. Gas (steam) is injected into the liquid prior to discharge. The two fluids form a mixture, flow downstream and exit the atomizer through an orifice to the ambient atmosphere forming a spray. The exit orifice is about 6mm in diameter to prevent clogging by particles. Quality of the effervescent atomization is relatively independent of variable viscosity and surface tension of the polymer solution used.
Date of registration
Patent number
CZ 296739 B6
Patent owner
VUT v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství