Publication detail
Transferability of fracture mechanical data from sub-sized three-point-bend geometry
Czech title
Transferabilita lomově mechanických dat z těles v tříbodovém ohybu
English title
Transferability of fracture mechanical data from sub-sized three-point-bend geometry
Original abstract
The contribution deals with FEA of stress state in sub-sized pre-cracked three-point-bend specimen with dimensions 3-4-27 mm3. In the experimental part the true stress-true strain curve was obtained from tensile test from Eurofer97 steel. Next, the static three-point bend tests with different crack lengths were carried out on plain and side-grooved specimens. The tests were simulated using ABAQUS 6.10. For comparison, models of pre-cracked standard and Charpy specimen were also created. The stress level below the crack tip for both KLST and Charpy specimen decrease more extensively than for standard specimen indicating the constraint loss. The decrease of the stress level and thus constraint loss is the highest just for the smallest specimen. The different crack lengths studied have no influence on the stress level at the crack tip. The side grooving enabled to maintain the stress level at the crack tip along the thickness but does not have effect on the maximum value of the stress.
Czech abstract
Příspěvek se zabývá konečnovprvkovou analýzou napětového stavu v miniaturním tělese pro tříbodový ohyb s předcyklovanou trhlinou o rozměrech 3-4-27 mm3. V experimentální části práce byla z tahové zkoušky zíkána zátěžná křivka oceli Eurofer97. Dále byly provedeny statické zkoušky v tříbodovém ohybu s hladkými a bočně vrubovanými tělesy. Simulace zkoušek byly provedeny pomocí ABAQUS 6.10. Pro srovnání byly stejnou cestou vytvořeny modely Standardního a Charpyho tělesa. Z průběhu napjatosti pod čelem trhliny v jednolivých tělesech bylo zjištěno, že u KLST a Charpy tělesa dochází k výraznému poklesu napětí indikující ztrátu constraintu. Pokles napětí a tedy ztráta constraintu je nejvyšší pro nejmenší těleso. Studovaná rozdílnost v délce trhliny neměla vliv průběh napjatosti pod čelem trhliny. Boční vruby pomáhají udržovat úroveň napjatosti po tloušťce tělesa pod čelem trhliny, ale nemají vliv na maximální hodnotu napětí.
English abstract
The contribution deals with FEA of stress state in sub-sized pre-cracked three-point-bend specimen with dimensions 3-4-27 mm3. In the experimental part the true stress-true strain curve was obtained from tensile test from Eurofer97 steel. Next, the static three-point bend tests with different crack lengths were carried out on plain and side-grooved specimens. The tests were simulated using ABAQUS 6.10. For comparison, models of pre-cracked standard and Charpy specimen were also created. The stress level below the crack tip for both KLST and Charpy specimen decrease more extensively than for standard specimen indicating the constraint loss. The decrease of the stress level and thus constraint loss is the highest just for the smallest specimen. The different crack lengths studied have no influence on the stress level at the crack tip. The side grooving enabled to maintain the stress level at the crack tip along the thickness but does not have effect on the maximum value of the stress.
Keywords in Czech
tělesa pro tříbodový ohyb, napěťový stav, Eurofer97
Keywords in English
three-point-bend specimen, stress-strain state, Eurofer97
Pages count