Publication detail
Evaluation of fatigue life of AZ31 magnesium alloy fabricated by squeeze casting
Czech title
Hodnocení únavového chování slitiny hořčíkové slitiny AZ31 vyrobené metodou squeeze casting
English title
Evaluation of fatigue life of AZ31 magnesium alloy fabricated by squeeze casting
journal article - other
Original abstract
Cyclic deformation behavior and fatigue life of squeeze-cast AZ31 magnesium alloy was studied under stress amplitude-control at room temperature. Low and high cycle fatigue tests with engineering stress amplitudes in the range from 40 to 110 MPa were conducted. Analysis of hysteresis curves was performed. Tension–compression asymmetry of hysteresis loops was not observed; the alloy exhibited cyclic hardening in tension and compression. The fatigue life in the low cycle fatigue region was expressed by Wöhler and derived Manson–Coffin curves. Experimental data in both, the low and high cycle fatigue regions were fitted by means of regression functions. S–N curves exhibited a smooth transition from the low to the high cycle fatigue regions and significant scattering of experimental points was observed. Furthermore, metallographic and fractographic analyses were performed. Crack initiation occurred from the specimen surface or on clusters of secondary particles; the region of final fracture was characterized by a transgranular ductile fracture. It can be concluded that the fatigue properties of squeeze cast magnesium alloy AZ31 are significantly improved comparing to materials prepared by common methods of casting. Squeeze casting also enables the cost-effective fabrication of complicatedly shaped parts.
Czech abstract
Cyklická deformační odezva a únavová životnost hořčíkové slitiny AZ31, vyrobené metodou squeeze casting, byly hodnoceny v módu řízení zátěžné síly za pokojové teploty. Byly provedeny nízko- a vysokocyklové únavové zkoušky s amplitudou napětí v rozmezí 40 až 110 MPa. Dále byla provedena analýza hysterezních smyček. Nebyla pozorována asymetri smyček v oblastech tah-tlak; v obou oblastech docházelo k cyklickému zpevnění. V nízkocyklové cyklové oblasti bylo únavové chování vyjádřeno pomocí Wohlerovy a derivované Manson-Coffinovy křivky. Experimentální data v nízko- a vysokocyklové oblasti byla proložena regresními funkcemi. S-N křivky vykazovaly hladký průběh při přechodu z nízko- do vysokocyklové oblasti a nebyl pozorován žádný výrazný rozptyl experimentálních dat. Dále bylo provedena metalografická a fraktografická analýza. Únavové trhliny iniciovaly na povrchu zkušebních těles nebo na shlucích sekundárních částic; oblast statického dolomu byla charakterizována transkrystalickým tvárným lomem.
English abstract
Cyclic deformation behavior and fatigue life of squeeze-cast AZ31 magnesium alloy was studied under stress amplitude-control at room temperature. Low and high cycle fatigue tests with engineering stress amplitudes in the range from 40 to 110 MPa were conducted. Analysis of hysteresis curves was performed. Tension–compression asymmetry of hysteresis loops was not observed; the alloy exhibited cyclic hardening in tension and compression. The fatigue life in the low cycle fatigue region was expressed by Wöhler and derived Manson–Coffin curves. Experimental data in both, the low and high cycle fatigue regions were fitted by means of regression functions. S–N curves exhibited a smooth transition from the low to the high cycle fatigue regions and significant scattering of experimental points was observed. Furthermore, metallographic and fractographic analyses were performed. Crack initiation occurred from the specimen surface or on clusters of secondary particles; the region of final fracture was characterized by a transgranular ductile fracture. It can be concluded that the fatigue properties of squeeze cast magnesium alloy AZ31 are significantly improved comparing to materials prepared by common methods of casting. Squeeze casting also enables the cost-effective fabrication of complicatedly shaped parts.
Keywords in Czech
Hořčíková slitina; Squeeze casting; Únavové chování; Nízkocyklová únava; Vysokocyklová únava
Keywords in English
Magnesium alloy; Squeeze casting; Cyclic properties; Low cycle fatigue; High cycle fatigue
RIV year
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Miroslava {Horynová} and Josef {Zapletal} and Pavel {Doležal} and Pavel {Gejdoš},
title="Evaluation of fatigue life of AZ31 magnesium alloy fabricated by squeeze casting",