Publication detail
The temperature field of a gravitationally cast ductile-cast-iron roller and its chemical and structural heterogeneity
Czech title
Teplotní pole gravitačně litých válců z tvárné litany a jejich chemická a strukturální heterogenita.
English title
The temperature field of a gravitationally cast ductile-cast-iron roller and its chemical and structural heterogeneity
book chapter
Original abstract
The quality of the working rollers from ductile-cast-iron used for rolling rails is determined by the chemical and structural composition of the material of the rollers and the production technology. The requirements of the quality cannot be ensured without perfect knowledge of the course of solidification, cooling and heat treatment of the cast rollers as well as the kinetics of the temperature field of the casting and mould. An original application of ANSYS simulated the forming of the temperature field of the entire system. In the experimental investigation of temperature field, an original methodology for the measurement of the distribution of temperatures and heat flows in the roller-mould system had been developed and verified in the operation. The kinetics of the solidification has a measurable and non-negligible influence on the chemical and structural heterogeneity of the investigated type of ductile-cast-iron. Tying on to the results of the model of the temperature field of the cast rollers, an original methodology was developed for the measurement of chemical microheterogeneity. The structure of this cast-iron is created by a great amount of the transition form of graphite and small amount of globular graphite and also lamellar graphite and cementite, whereas the structure of the metal matrix is perlitic. The chemical and structural heterogeneity of the cast roller is therefore a significant function of the method of melting, modification and inoculation and the successive procedures of risering, casting and crystallization after cooling.
Czech abstract
Originální aplikace software ANSYS simuluje vývoj telotního pole celého systému odlitek- forma při tuhnutí a chladnutí odlévaných válců z tvárné litiny. Výsledky výpočtu jsou ověřeny experimentálním měřením. V návaznosti na řešení teplotního pole je vyvinuta originální metodika měření chemické mikroheterogenity. Chemická a strukturální heterogenita odlévaných válců je významně ovlivněna způsobem odlévání, očkováním, uspořádáním nálitků a chlazením.
English abstract
The quality of the working rollers from ductile-cast-iron used for rolling rails is determined by the chemical and structural composition of the material of the rollers and the production technology. The requirements of the quality cannot be ensured without perfect knowledge of the course of solidification, cooling and heat treatment of the cast rollers as well as the kinetics of the temperature field of the casting and mould. An original application of ANSYS simulated the forming of the temperature field of the entire system. In the experimental investigation of temperature field, an original methodology for the measurement of the distribution of temperatures and heat flows in the roller-mould system had been developed and verified in the operation. The kinetics of the solidification has a measurable and non-negligible influence on the chemical and structural heterogeneity of the investigated type of ductile-cast-iron. Tying on to the results of the model of the temperature field of the cast rollers, an original methodology was developed for the measurement of chemical microheterogeneity. The structure of this cast-iron is created by a great amount of the transition form of graphite and small amount of globular graphite and also lamellar graphite and cementite, whereas the structure of the metal matrix is perlitic. The chemical and structural heterogeneity of the cast roller is therefore a significant function of the method of melting, modification and inoculation and the successive procedures of risering, casting and crystallization after cooling.
Keywords in Czech
Válce z tvárné litiny, tuhnutí a chlazení, teplotní pole, numerický model, chemická a strukturální heterogenita, měření
Keywords in English
cast-iron rollers, solidification and cooling, temperature field, numerical model, chemical and structural heterogeneity, measurement.
RIV year
WIT Press Southamptom, Boston
Fluid structure interaction VII
Edition number
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="František {Kavička} and Jana {Dobrovská} and Karel {Stránský} and Bohumil {Sekanina} and Josef {Štětina},
title="The temperature field of a gravitationally cast ductile-cast-iron roller and its chemical and structural heterogeneity",
booktitle="Fluid structure interaction VII",
publisher="WIT Press Southamptom, Boston",