Course detail

Industrial Automation

FSI-G0A Acad. year: 2018/2019 Summer semester

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main concepts of industrial automation and control systems in relation to the Industry 4.0.
The first part of the course focuses on logic control and its application in contemporary control systems. It will be explained in the introduction and use of logic functions, including its interpretation of elements of sequential and combinational circuits.
The second part includes a basic knowledge of linear continuous control systems. There will be resolved problems through analysis of impulse transfer function and frequency methods.
The third part of the course covers the basics of digital control and their applications.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will acquire basic knowledge and skills in the field of industrial automation, description and classification of control systems. They will be able to analyze and design basic linear continuous and discrete feedback control systems. Additionally, they acquire basic knowledge about control systems instrumentation.


Knowledge of fundamental concepts in mathematics including the solution of the system of differential equations. Fundamental concepts in physics (particularly dynamics) and electrical engineering.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught through lectures which contain an explanation of basic principles and theories of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures. Teaching is complemented by laboratory exercises eventually by lectures of practitioners or by excursion.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

In order to be awarded the course-unit credit students must prove active participation in laboratory exercises and elaborate a paper according to the teacher's instructions.
The exam is written and oral. In the written part a student compiles main themes which were presented during the lectures. The oral part of the exam will contain discussion of tasks and possible supplementary questions.


The aim of the course is to formulate and establish basic knowledge of automatic control conception, computational models, theories and algorithms of control systems.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendance and activity at the seminars are required. Teachers at seminars carry out continuous monitoring of student's presence and activity of basic knowledge (e.g. in the form of entrance tests). Unexcused absence is a reason not to give a credits. One absence can be compensated by a seminar with another group with the same theme. Longer absence can be compensated for by the elaboration of compensatory tasks assigned by the tutor.

The study programmes with the given course

Programme M2I-P: Mechanical Engineering, Master's
branch M-VSR: Production Machines, Systems and Robots, elective (voluntary)

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally


1. Introduction to automation control – logic control.
2. Combinatorial and sequential logical circuits, programmable logic controllers.
3. Continuous linear regulation circuit, external and internal systems description, Laplace transform, differential equation.
4. Impulse response function and impulse characteristic, unit step response function and unit step characteristic, classification of regulation circuits.
5. Frequency transfer, frequency response in complex plane and logarithmic coordinates, poles and zeroes, block diagram algebra.
6. Controllers, regulation circuit, characteristic equation (stability), basic methods for controller tuning.
7. Stability of linear feedback systems.
8. Quality of regulation, tuning of controllers.
9. Discrete regulation circuit, sampling circuit (A-D converter), data-hold circuit (D-A converter), Z-transform, difference equation.
10. Z-transfer, discrete impulse response function and characteristic, discrete unit step response function and characteristic, frequency transfer, frequency characteristic in complex plane.
11. Block diagram algebra of discrete systems, digital controllers (positional and incremental algorithm), stability of discrete regulation circuit (general condition).
12. Using of digital controller in control systems.
13. Instrumentation of control systems.

Computer-assisted exercise

26 hours, compulsory


1. Logic control (logical function, block diagrams, Siemens LOGO!Soft).
2. Logic control (truth table, minimisation, combinatorial logical circuits – simulation).
3. Logic control (sequential logical circuits – simulation).
4. Logic control (exemplary model).
5. Continuous linear control (differential equation, transfer, impulse response and unit step response function, impulse and unit step characteristic, simulation).
6. Continuous linear control (frequency transfer, frequency characteristic in complex plane, frequency characteristics in logarithmic coordinates, simulation).
7. Continuous linear control (block diagram algebra, controllers, simulation).
8. Continuous linear control (regulation circuit, stability of regulation circuit, simulation).
9. Continuous linear control (Ziegler-Nichols method, stability criteria of regulation circuit, simulation).
10. Continuous linear control (accuracy of regulation, quality of regulation, simulation).
11. Example in the field of continuous linear control.
12. Test in written form.
13. Credit, reparation of test.