Course detail

Communication, Navigation, Surveillance

FSI-OZL-A Acad. year: 2018/2019 Summer semester

The course incorporates communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) principles and CNS equipment/aids. Relevant themes include explanation of radio facility function (ADF, VOR, DME, ILS and MLS), principles of primary and secondary radiolocation, area navigation (RNAV), ground support navigation systems, long range navigation principles (OMEGA, LORAN, DECCA) and future CNS systems vision. Mutual dependence of CNS technologies versus ATM procedures is highlighted. FANS, FEATS, ECAC, EATCHIP etc. concepts are also mentioned. Modern communication projects (ATN, VDL, CIDIN). Global navigation satellite systems. Automatized ATC systems. Airborne anti-collision systems.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Learning outcomes of the course unit

The subject will allow students to get acquainted with the CNS/ATM technologies as well as with main procedures used in civil air traffic. Students will comprehend the relationship between both an aircraft and ATS and get the common philosophy of automated CNS/ATM systems as well.


High school level knowledge of mathematics and physics is demanded.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Conditions for obtaining the course-unit credit: 80% participation the course (at the minimum) and 50% evaluation of a written test at least. The course-unit credit is needed to be admitted to oral examination. Classification of the oral exam is predetermined by the BUT university requirements.

Work placements



Students will be acquainted with the whole spectrum of nowadays CNS radionavigation aids being in use of commercial air carriers. They will be familiarized with relevant current and future CNS technologies. CNS/ATM mutual relationship will be stressed. Future trends will be mentioned in the necessary extend.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Lectures and exercises are realized by means of audio-visual method and therefore student´s presence is necessary.
Missed lectures & exercises can be compensated in a very limited extend only by personal consultations with the lecturer or by a selfstudy under the lecturer´s personal supervision.

Recommended optional programme components


The study programmes with the given course

Programme M2I-Z: Mechanical Engineering, Master's
branch M-STI: Mechanical Engineering, recommended course

Type of course unit



52 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction – fundamentals of radio & radar techniques, frequencies, air/ground transmission lines.
2. Radio Direction Finders (ADF/NDB, VDF). VHF radio beacons (VOR, DVOR).
3. ILS.
4. MLS.
5. Radars – fundamental radar techniques (PSR; SSR). Airborne radars; ATS ground radars.
6. Distance-measuring system (DME). Airborne anti-collision systems (TCAS, ACAS).
7. Long-range navigation systems LORAN-C, DECCA, VERA).
8. Modern navigation systems – GPS, DGPS.
9. European ATS systems (active & passive systems).
10.Modern communication – voice, data (VDL, ATN, CIDIN, TDMA).
11.Future CNS/ATM systems concepts (FANS, FEATS,ECAC).
12.Automated ATC systems.
13.Reserve – excercises, consultations; credit test.


13 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Structure of the radio-signal.
2. Air communication – range, organisation.
3. Operational principles of VDF, ADF, VOR/DME.
4. ILS/MLS operational principles. Approach manoeuvers.
5. Airborne and ground radars – ranges, accuracy, frequencies).
6. PSR and SSR in use of air navigation radar systems.
7. DME and DME/DME operational principles.
8. Long-range navigation systems – operational principles, signals, accuracy).
9. GNSS – typical examples of the system exploitation.
10. FANF – general concept.
11. Air communication systems – frequency bands, communication protocols).
12. European ATM/CNS arrangement – expected terms, possibilities of deployment.
13. Modern ATC communication/surveillance systems (Thomson, LETVIS, GATRACS).