Course detail
Drawing of Head
FSI-YKH-A Acad. year: 2018/2019 Winter semester
The subject focuses on study drawing of head by plastic bust and live model. It builds on study of anatomy and perception of structure, connections, proportions and details of head. The subject leads to development of drawing expression.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Technical and routine drawing of head and gaining basic habits for building up volume when drawing a head and its character.
It is assumed, that student possesses advanced knowledge of drawing and sketching techniques, knowledge of perspective, ability to use it in practice and experience with drawing still-lifes of industrial products. Expressing volume and basic characteristic features of the model are essential.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Creative work in ateliers.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Graded course-unit credit requirements: Attendance at exercises, meeting assigned projects deadlines.
Resulting evaluation consists of evaluations on tasks (drawings). In total it will be possible to aquire 100 points. Resulting classification will be defined by the ECTS scale.
If some of the projects are awarded less than half of the maximum pts., final evaluation of the course is "failed".
According to the article No. 13 of Study and Examination Rules of Brno University of Technology ECTS evaluation degree scale is used. . If some of the projects are awarded less than 50 pts., final evaluation of the course is "failed". The course is evaluated with the following grades: ECTS EVALUATION DEGREES / PTS. RATING / NUMERIC RATING: A / 100 – 90 / 1 / Excellent; B /89 – 80 / 1,5 / Very good; C / 79 – 70 / 2 / Good; D / 69 – 60 / Satisfactory; E / 59 – 50 / Sufficient; F / 49 – 0 / 4 / Failed.
The aim of the subject is to deepen the knowledge of drawing as a basic visual representation with the experience of structure of head with emphasis on its proportions and character.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Compulsory attendance at seminars. Education runs according to the week schedule. The way of compensation of missed seminars is specified by the tutor.
The study programmes with the given course
Programme M2I-Z: Mechanical Engineering, Master's
branch M-STI: Mechanical Engineering, recommended course
Type of course unit