Course detail
Computer Modelling - Alias Design Project
FSI-YM0 Acad. year: 2018/2019 Summer semester
Students become familiar with the philosophy of work, processes and software tools for surface modeling using Autodesk Alias or ICEM Surf. When addressing the individual projects students will gain practical experience with styling of complex transient surfaces, tangential and curvature continuity, use of appropriate analysis, using of 3D scanned data and visualization of results. Students can apply the acquired experience in areas with high demands on surface quality such as automotive and airraft industry.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students will gain practical experience in creation of high quality visual surfaces that are required in the automotive and airraft industry. Students also acquire working practices with surface models of automotive components and receive feedback about the quality of of own results through consultation with professionals.
Basic knowledge of surface modelling with use of CAD systems (Rhinoceros, Alias) and knowledge of digital artwork.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course is taught through exercises which are focused on practical topics presented in lectures. Level of instruction during the semester goes from model tasks under the guidance of a lecturer up to independent work on complex tasks.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Graded course-unit credit requirements: attendance in lessons, meeting assigned projects deadlines, practical test verifying the knowledge of work with the software and creative work ability. Resulting evaluation consists of evaluations on projects, tasks and a test. In total it will be possible to aquire 100 points. Resulting classification will be defined by the ECTS scale. If some of the projects and test are awarded less than half of the maximum pts., final evaluation of the course is "failed". According to the article No. 13 of Study and Examination Rules of Brno University of Technology ECTS evaluation degree scale is used. . If some of the projects are awarded less than 50 pts., final evaluation of the course is "failed". The course is evaluated with the following grades: ECTS EVALUATION DEGREES / PTS. RATING / NUMERIC RATING: A / 100 – 90 / 1 / Excellent; B /89 – 80 / 1,5 / Very good; C / 79 – 70 / 2 / Good; D / 69 – 60 / Satisfactory; E / 59 – 50 / Sufficient; F / 49 – 0 / 4 / Failed.
Mastering of advanced modeling of class – A surfaces in the quality required by the automotive industry.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Attendance at seminars is obligatory and checked by the lecturer. Students have to be present in scheduled hours in the computer lab and work on projects and wait for consultation. The absences are accepted only due to serious reasons e.g. illness. Unexcused absence may be the reason for refusing of credit.
The study programmes with the given course
Programme M2A-P: Applied Sciences in Engineering, Master's
branch M-PDS: Industrial Design, elective (voluntary)
Type of course unit
Computer-assisted exercise
39 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction to the design process of visible surfaces in the automotive industry, presentation of practical examples – Skoda Auto Strak department, Evektor, Aufeer Design.
2. Procedures of modeling in the automotive industry, STRAK – 10 golden rules, tolerances, coordinate system of the virtual car model.
3. Work with 3D scanned data, point cloud split and modification, creation of sections and surfaces on the scanned data, analysis of surface deviations from the scan.
4. Modification of the finished part, definitions and completeness of the assignment, timing, proposal of solution procedure.
5. Rounding of existing model, definition of model by the edges, the fundamental task of STRAK – a cube, explaination of the process, practical solution of concurrence of radii, crossing of light, segmentation for solution of concurrence.
6. Assignment of individual projects; work on real production data from industry. Solution of complex character tasks, such as: part of the car body, part of the car body, casted disk wheels, bumpers, side of the car with the transition to the fenders.
7. – 12. Individual work on the project. Consultations on the projects.
13. Evaluation of the projects, feedback – discussion of shortcomings and recommendation for use of appropriate procedures.