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A smart thermal actuator for temperature control of the flat solar collectors using NiTi Shape Memory Alloy thin wires


Anglický název

A smart thermal actuator for temperature control of the flat solar collectors using NiTi Shape Memory Alloy thin wires


článek v časopise - ostatní, Jost



Originální abstrakt

Flat solar collectors can reach very high temperatures, especially when there is low energy consumption or power fails. Afterward, the heat transfer fluid would quickly rise or even boil. To prevent the damaging effects of critical temperatures, a smart Shape Memory Alloy thermal actuator for controlling the temperature of the solar collectors is developed in the present work. Numerical simulation, according to the present 1D models, shows reasonable agreement with the operation of the designed smart actuator in real conditions. The exerted design operates automatically requiring no human intervention or external power supply, and the operation of the solar collector is not affected during non-critical conditions.

Anglický abstrakt

Flat solar collectors can reach very high temperatures, especially when there is low energy consumption or power fails. Afterward, the heat transfer fluid would quickly rise or even boil. To prevent the damaging effects of critical temperatures, a smart Shape Memory Alloy thermal actuator for controlling the temperature of the solar collectors is developed in the present work. Numerical simulation, according to the present 1D models, shows reasonable agreement with the operation of the designed smart actuator in real conditions. The exerted design operates automatically requiring no human intervention or external power supply, and the operation of the solar collector is not affected during non-critical conditions.

Klíčová slova anglicky

SMA, Smart, thermal actuator, Shape Memory Effect, Austenite, Martensite, Flat solar collector, Shape Memory Alloy thin wire, NiTi




Taylor & Francis




  author="Pejman {Shayanfard},
  title="A smart thermal actuator for temperature control of the flat solar collectors using NiTi Shape Memory Alloy thin wires",
  publisher="Taylor & Francis",