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Měření tepelného komfortu v kabině automobilu při jízdách v reálném provozu
Český název
Měření tepelného komfortu v kabině automobilu při jízdách v reálném provozu
Anglický název
Car cabin thermal comfort measurement under real traffic conditions
Originální abstrakt
Human thermal comfort in vehicular cabins has been broadly discussed in various contents. The most actual topics relate to efficient energy utilisation and enhancement of thermal comfort experience – especially in electric passenger vehicles. In fact, these two factors are contradictory at present; therefore, new concepts of HVAC management are being investigated. The presented study shows progress in systems based on equivalent temperature and real-time evaluation of thermal sensation of a driver and passengers. The aim of such systems are realtime evaluation of thermal conditions in the cabin using compact equivalent temperature sensors and prediction of thermal sensation based on comfort zone diagram. The system primary tests were done in car cabin under climatic chamber environment and group of test subjects was used. However the test subjects reported that the environment of the test is too artificial and they missing any interesting activity between questionnaires (taken with 5min period). This conditions probably led to very strong focusing on thermal feelings and hypersensitivity on cabin environment. Hence the measurement system was install to the cabin of four different middle-class passenger cars to test the system under real traffic conditions. The study was done from January to April 2017, mainly under weather conditions of middle Europe winter and spring. 43 journeys were measured, which could be split into three main groups – a) everyday short commuting inside the city (up to 20min duration), b) longer travels around city (up to 60 min duration) c) long distance journeys (more the 2 hours duration). The HVAC unit was set by the driver to reach the thermal comfort and all possible setting was allowed (temperatures, directions of outlets, speed of the fan etc.). Three types of calculation of overall thermal sensation based on local predictions is mentioned and their correlation with reported thermal sensation of test driver is presented.
Český abstrakt
Příspěvek se zabývá měřením a vyhodoncením tepleného pocitu/komfortu při reálných jízdách v provozu a srovnáním predikovaného tepelného pocitu a reportovaného pocitu zkušební osoby. Ostatní detaily viz originální text.
Anglický abstrakt
Human thermal comfort in vehicular cabins has been broadly discussed in various contents. The most actual topics relate to efficient energy utilisation and enhancement of thermal comfort experience – especially in electric passenger vehicles. In fact, these two factors are contradictory at present; therefore, new concepts of HVAC management are being investigated. The presented study shows progress in systems based on equivalent temperature and real-time evaluation of thermal sensation of a driver and passengers. The aim of such systems are realtime evaluation of thermal conditions in the cabin using compact equivalent temperature sensors and prediction of thermal sensation based on comfort zone diagram. The system primary tests were done in car cabin under climatic chamber environment and group of test subjects was used. However the test subjects reported that the environment of the test is too artificial and they missing any interesting activity between questionnaires (taken with 5min period). This conditions probably led to very strong focusing on thermal feelings and hypersensitivity on cabin environment. Hence the measurement system was install to the cabin of four different middle-class passenger cars to test the system under real traffic conditions. The study was done from January to April 2017, mainly under weather conditions of middle Europe winter and spring. 43 journeys were measured, which could be split into three main groups – a) everyday short commuting inside the city (up to 20min duration), b) longer travels around city (up to 60 min duration) c) long distance journeys (more the 2 hours duration). The HVAC unit was set by the driver to reach the thermal comfort and all possible setting was allowed (temperatures, directions of outlets, speed of the fan etc.). Three types of calculation of overall thermal sensation based on local predictions is mentioned and their correlation with reported thermal sensation of test driver is presented.
Klíčová slova česky
kabina auta, tepelný pocit, provoz, měření, předpověď
Klíčová slova anglicky
car cabin, thermal comfort, traffic, measurement, predction
International Society for Environmental Ergonomics.
Kobe, Japonsko
The 17th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics ICEE2017 - book of abstracts
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