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Experimentální studium reálných povrchových nerovností v EHD bodových kontaktech


Český název

Experimentální studium reálných povrchových nerovností v EHD bodových kontaktech

Anglický název

Experimental Study of Real Roughness Features within EHD Point Contacts


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

A combination of thin film colorimetric interferometry and phase shifting interferometry has been used to study the effect of slide-to-roll ratio on the micro-elastohydrodynamic action and asperity-contact mechanism on the real asperity scale. The phase shifting interferometry was used to measure in-situ initial undeformed rough surface profiles and thin film colorimetric interferometry provided accurate information about micro-EHD film thickness behaviour over a wide range of operating conditions. Lubricant film thickness distribution within mixed EHD contact has been found to change significantly as a function of a slide-roll ratio. A high resolution color camera has enabled a closer look at film thickness changes in the vicinity of surface irregularities that helped to describe these processes in detail. Obtained results indicate the presence of either a boundary film less than 1 nm thick or some solid-like contact in front of roughness features for positive slide to roll ratios. No such a local film thickness reduction has been found for negative slide-to-roll ratio conditions.

Český abstrakt

Kombinace kolorimetrické interferometrie a interferometrie s řízenou změnou fáze byla použita při studiu vlivu povrchových nerovností na utváření mazacího filmu. Pro pozorování přechodových jevů byl použit xenonový záblekový zdroj, který umožnil snímání interferenčních obrazců při průchodu nerovností mazaným kontaktem. Byl ukázán vliv provozních podmínek na změny v mazacím filmu.

Anglický abstrakt

A combination of thin film colorimetric interferometry and phase shifting interferometry has been used to study the effect of slide-to-roll ratio on the micro-elastohydrodynamic action and asperity-contact mechanism on the real asperity scale. The phase shifting interferometry was used to measure in-situ initial undeformed rough surface profiles and thin film colorimetric interferometry provided accurate information about micro-EHD film thickness behaviour over a wide range of operating conditions. Lubricant film thickness distribution within mixed EHD contact has been found to change significantly as a function of a slide-roll ratio. A high resolution color camera has enabled a closer look at film thickness changes in the vicinity of surface irregularities that helped to describe these processes in detail. Obtained results indicate the presence of either a boundary film less than 1 nm thick or some solid-like contact in front of roughness features for positive slide to roll ratios. No such a local film thickness reduction has been found for negative slide-to-roll ratio conditions.

Klíčová slova anglicky

film thickness, colorimetric interferometry, mixed lubrication








Washington, USA


Proceedings of the 3rd World Tribology Congress

Počet stran



  author="Ivan {Křupka} and Martin {Hartl} and Miroslav {Liška},
  title="Experimental Study of Real Roughness Features within EHD Point Contacts",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 3rd World Tribology Congress",
  address="Washington, USA"