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Comparison study of TSAA and ACAS-X performance

Silvie Luisa Brazdilova, Eva Adamova

Anglický název

Comparison study of TSAA and ACAS-X performance


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Originální abstrakt

In this study, we have compared the performance of GA-intended Traffic Situational Awareness with Alerts (TSAA) system and its alerting capabilities with ACAS Xa (primarily addressing CAT needs) model modified to use passive surveillance only; however without any modifications for GA. Selected TSAA-tailored MOPS test vectors were run through both TSAA and ACAS X models. The main aim of this document is to indicate points that should be taken into account for further ACAS Xp system definition and development, in particular how big the differences resulting from the fact that ACAS Xa logic is tuned for CAT operations and different a/c performance characteristics are.

Anglický abstrakt

In this study, we have compared the performance of GA-intended Traffic Situational Awareness with Alerts (TSAA) system and its alerting capabilities with ACAS Xa (primarily addressing CAT needs) model modified to use passive surveillance only; however without any modifications for GA. Selected TSAA-tailored MOPS test vectors were run through both TSAA and ACAS X models. The main aim of this document is to indicate points that should be taken into account for further ACAS Xp system definition and development, in particular how big the differences resulting from the fact that ACAS Xa logic is tuned for CAT operations and different a/c performance characteristics are.

Klíčová slova anglicky

General Aviation, Collision Avoidance, comparison, study, TSAA, ACAS X




SESAR Joint Undertaking

Počet stran



  author="Eva {Jošth Adamová} and Silvie Luisa {Brazdilova},
  title="Comparison study of TSAA and ACAS-X performance",
  publisher="SESAR Joint Undertaking"