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Initial Validation Plan for V2 activities of TSAA+ / SESAR Solution PJ.11-A4: Initial VALP for V2 – Part I

Eva Josth Adamova, Massimiliano Amirfeiz, Davide Cavone, Jean-Rene Gely

Anglický název

Initial Validation Plan for V2 activities of TSAA+ / SESAR Solution PJ.11-A4: Initial VALP for V2 - Part I


projektová dokumentace



Originální abstrakt

This document provides the Initial Validation plan for PJ.11-A4 (SA+ capability) for V2 – to the extent required for V1 gate. It describes how stakeholder's needs (defined and formalised as a set of requirements in ) are intended to be validated. Initial version of this document was later updated for final and submitted (final release was not prepared by me due to maternity leave, thats why only draft of the document is now provided).

Anglický abstrakt

This document provides the Initial Validation plan for PJ.11-A4 (SA+ capability) for V2 – to the extent required for V1 gate. It describes how stakeholder's needs (defined and formalised as a set of requirements in ) are intended to be validated. Initial version of this document was later updated for final and submitted (final release was not prepared by me due to maternity leave, thats why only draft of the document is now provided).

Klíčová slova anglicky

Validation plan, general aviation, situational awareness



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