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Mobilní manipulátor pro teleprezenci
Český název
Mobilní manipulátor pro teleprezenci
Anglický název
Mobile manipulator for telepresence
článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus
Originální abstrakt
The paper presents a simulation study of a mobile manipulator (MM), which is used for telepresence applications. The MM consists of a 6-DOF manipulator arm mounted on a 3-DOF mobile platform, the resulting system is therefore kinematically redundant. The manipulator gripper is controlled in real-time by a human operator. The MM should be capable of handling objects in its working area while simultaneously avoiding possible collisions of the platform and obstacles (static and/or moving). In order to guarantee the best possible gripper positioning precision, the platform should be stationary, if the 6-DOF manipulator is able to handle the given task from the current platform position, and move only in the case, when the goal approaches or is outside the manipulator's workspace boundary. Both presented redundancy resolution and collision avoidance algorithms suit this requirement.
Český abstrakt
Článek popisuje simulační studii mobilního manipulátoru (MM) pro teleprezenční aplikaci. MM je tvořen ramenem se třemi stupni volnosti a mobilní platformou, která má rovněž 3 stupně volnosti. Výsledný systém je kinematicky redundantní. Chapadlo manipulátoru je řízeno dálkově operátorem v reálném čase. Manipulátor má manipulovat objekty v v 3D prostoru a současně se vyhýbat překážkám. Aby se zajistila maximální přesnost polohování je zapotřebí aby platforma byla v konstantní poloze když může být manipulace provedena pouze pohybem ramene. Naopak pokud není manipulovaný předmět v dosahu ramene, musí být platforma pohyblivá. Navrhovaný systém řešení redundance a kolizí splňuje tyto podmínky.
Anglický abstrakt
The paper presents a simulation study of a mobile manipulator (MM), which is used for telepresence applications. The MM consists of a 6-DOF manipulator arm mounted on a 3-DOF mobile platform, the resulting system is therefore kinematically redundant. The manipulator gripper is controlled in real-time by a human operator. The MM should be capable of handling objects in its working area while simultaneously avoiding possible collisions of the platform and obstacles (static and/or moving). In order to guarantee the best possible gripper positioning precision, the platform should be stationary, if the 6-DOF manipulator is able to handle the given task from the current platform position, and move only in the case, when the goal approaches or is outside the manipulator's workspace boundary. Both presented redundancy resolution and collision avoidance algorithms suit this requirement.
Klíčová slova anglicky
mobile manipulator, redundant manipulator, collision avoidance, linear programming
PC-DIR Real, s.r.o.
International Summer School Artificial Intelligence in Control and Measurement
Počet stran
author="Bohumil {Honzík},
title="Mobile manipulator for telepresence",
booktitle="International Summer School Artificial Intelligence in Control and Measurement",
publisher="PC-DIR Real, s.r.o.",