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Ochranné alitosilitované vrstvy na niklových superslitinách
Český název
Ochranné alitosilitované vrstvy na niklových superslitinách
Anglický název
Protective layers on Ni-based superalloys formed by co-deposition of Al and Si
Originální abstrakt
Co-deposition of Al and Si on nickel-based superalloys (Inconel 713LC and Inconel 738LC) is being studied by means of light and scanning electron microscope equipped for EDS microanalysis. After "painting" the substrate with colloidal fluid containing Al and Si particles, diffusion annealing follows (the method was developed in former Soviet Union for military aircraft engines). Surface layer affected by diffusion of Al and Si splits into two sub-layers, Al rich and Si rich. Final structure is formed (from surface to the substrate) by oxide film (Al2O3 + Cr2O3), Al rich region, Si rich region and substrate deficient in Al and therefore free of Ni3Al particles. To obtain composition of surface proper and details in immediately adjacent material, EDS analysis using decreasing acceleration voltage (AV) in SEM, was employed. This measurements made it possible to, through extrapolation of measured curves to 0 kV AV, obtain composition of surface film (oxides) and composition changes in material closest to the surface.
Český abstrakt
V tomto příspěvku je uvedená studie alitosilitované vrstvy použité na niklových superslitinách, konkrétně Inconel 713LC a 738LC. Vrstva byla analyzována s využitím světelné mikroskopie, rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie a rentgenové energiově disperzní analýzy. Tato difúzní bariéra je vytvořena nanesením suspenze hliníkového a křemíkového prášku v kolodiu na povrch součásti s následným žíháním. Povrchová vrstva se rozpadá na dvě subvrstvy a to s převahou hliníku a křemíku. Dále se tvoří na úplném povrchu oxidická vrstva s oxidy hliníku a chromu (M2O3) a nakonec vzniká vrstva na rozhraní se základním materiálem, která je bohatá na TCP fáze.
Anglický abstrakt
Co-deposition of Al and Si on nickel-based superalloys (Inconel 713LC and Inconel 738LC) is being studied by means of light and scanning electron microscope equipped for EDS microanalysis. After "painting" the substrate with colloidal fluid containing Al and Si particles, diffusion annealing follows (the method was developed in former Soviet Union for military aircraft engines). Surface layer affected by diffusion of Al and Si splits into two sub-layers, Al rich and Si rich. Final structure is formed (from surface to the substrate) by oxide film (Al2O3 + Cr2O3), Al rich region, Si rich region and substrate deficient in Al and therefore free of Ni3Al particles. To obtain composition of surface proper and details in immediately adjacent material, EDS analysis using decreasing acceleration voltage (AV) in SEM, was employed. This measurements made it possible to, through extrapolation of measured curves to 0 kV AV, obtain composition of surface film (oxides) and composition changes in material closest to the surface.
Klíčová slova anglicky
Al-Si layers, Inconel, EDS
RMS Royal Microscopical Society
RMS Royal Microscopical Society, 37/38 St.Clements, Oxford OX4 IAJ, UK
Microscience 2006
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