Detail publikace
Analýza tloušťky zinkového povlaku a jeho korozní odolnosti
Český název
Analýza tloušťky zinkového povlaku a jeho korozní odolnosti
Anglický název
Analysis of zinc Coatings thickness and its corrosion resistance
zpráva odborná
Originální abstrakt
Delivered specimens were cut and metallographically prepared for observation of the crossection of the coatings. Six crossections of three specimens were analyzed. Specimens were polished by 1um diamond suspension, specimens were not etched. Thicknesses of the coatings were measured at microscope Neophot 21 at magnification of 1000x at least at four different places of the crossection. Corrosion resistance was tested according to standard (ČSN) ISO 9227 in neutral salt spray (NSS). Results were compared to values prescribed by standard (ČSN) EN 12329.
Český abstrakt
Tloušťka povlaku byla měřena na šesti metalografických výbrusech a korozní odolnost byla stanovena na třech vzorcích dle ISO 9227
Anglický abstrakt
Delivered specimens were cut and metallographically prepared for observation of the crossection of the coatings. Six crossections of three specimens were analyzed. Specimens were polished by 1um diamond suspension, specimens were not etched. Thicknesses of the coatings were measured at microscope Neophot 21 at magnification of 1000x at least at four different places of the crossection. Corrosion resistance was tested according to standard (ČSN) ISO 9227 in neutral salt spray (NSS). Results were compared to values prescribed by standard (ČSN) EN 12329.
Klíčová slova česky
zinkový povlak, korozní odolnost
Klíčová slova anglicky
Zinc coating, corrosion resistance
Klub ČSNMT při ÚMVI FSI VUT v Brně
Brno, CZ
Počet stran
author="Martin {Zmrzlý},
title="Analysis of zinc Coatings thickness and its corrosion resistance",
publisher="Klub ČSNMT při ÚMVI FSI VUT v Brně ",
address="Brno, CZ"