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Monitorování a hodnocení cyklického poškozování v preiniciačních stádiích únavového procesu užitím nedestruktivních metod testování
Český název
Monitorování a hodnocení cyklického poškozování v preiniciačních stádiích únavového procesu užitím nedestruktivních metod testování
Anglický název
Monitoring and Evaluation of Cyclic Damage in Preinitiation Stages of Fatigue Process Using Nondestructive Testing Methods
článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus
Originální abstrakt
This paper treats the evaluation of fatigue damage appearing during the cyclic bending loading of the samples of titanium Grade 2 and Grade 5 (Ti6Al4V). Purpose was to detect the microstructural changes in pre-initiation stage (the stage before creation or identification of short cracks) during the fatigue loading using acoustic emission method and electron microscopy. Microscopic observation was used mainly to detect of the first short (micro) cracks. The measurement was completed with analysis of loading (resonance) frequency changes of the fatigue test device. In the acoustic emission signal we have found some changes, which can correlate with the evolution of dislocation structures or the creation of the surface relief in pre-initiation stage. The measurement results verification will be based on detailed observation of the material surface by electron microscopy and Xray diffraction in other research.
Český abstrakt
This paper treats the evaluation of fatigue damage appearing during the cyclic bending loading of the samples of titanium Grade 2 and Grade 5 (Ti6Al4V). Purpose was to detect the microstructural changes in pre-initiation stage (the stage before creation or identification of short cracks) during the fatigue loading using acoustic emission method and electron microscopy. Microscopic observation was used mainly to detect of the first short (micro) cracks. The measurement was completed with analysis of loading (resonance) frequency changes of the fatigue test device. In the acoustic emission signal we have found some changes, which can correlate with the evolution of dislocation structures or the creation of the surface relief in pre-initiation stage. The measurement results verification will be based on detailed observation of the material surface by electron microscopy and Xray diffraction in other research.
Anglický abstrakt
This paper treats the evaluation of fatigue damage appearing during the cyclic bending loading of the samples of titanium Grade 2 and Grade 5 (Ti6Al4V). Purpose was to detect the microstructural changes in pre-initiation stage (the stage before creation or identification of short cracks) during the fatigue loading using acoustic emission method and electron microscopy. Microscopic observation was used mainly to detect of the first short (micro) cracks. The measurement was completed with analysis of loading (resonance) frequency changes of the fatigue test device. In the acoustic emission signal we have found some changes, which can correlate with the evolution of dislocation structures or the creation of the surface relief in pre-initiation stage. The measurement results verification will be based on detailed observation of the material surface by electron microscopy and Xray diffraction in other research.
Klíčová slova česky
akustická emise, únavové poškozování, trhlina, mikrostrukturní změny
Klíčová slova anglicky
acoustic emission, fatigue damage, crack, microstructural changes
University of Granada and EWGAE
Granada, Spain
Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing & 7th International Conference on Acoustic Emission EWGAE 30/ ICAE 7 Granada, September 2012
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author="František {Vlašic} and Václav {Koula} and Pavel {Mazal} and Pavel {Gejdoš},
title="Monitoring and Evaluation of Cyclic Damage in Preinitiation Stages of Fatigue Process Using Nondestructive Testing Methods",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing & 7th International Conference on Acoustic Emission EWGAE 30/ ICAE 7 Granada, September 2012",
publisher="University of Granada and EWGAE",
address="Granada, Spain",