Detail publikace
Změny chemického složení kontinuálně lité bramy a jeho vztah k průvalu Změny chemického složení kontinuálně lité bramy a jeho vztah k průvalu
Český název
Změny chemického složení kontinuálně lité bramy a jeho vztah k průvalu Změny chemického složení kontinuálně lité bramy a jeho vztah k průvalu
Anglický název
Changes of the Chemical Composition of Continuously Cast Steel Slab and their Relation to Breakout
článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus
Originální abstrakt
The solidification and cooling of a continuously cast slab and the simultaneous heating of the mold is a very complicated problem of three-dimensional (3D) transient heat and mass transfer. The solving of such a problem is impossible without numerical models of the temperature field of the concasting processed through the concasting machine. Experimental research and measurements have to take place simultaneously with numerical computation, to be confronted with the numerical model and make it more accurate throughout the process. An important area of the caster is the secondary cooling zone, which is subdivided into thirteen sections. In this zone, where the slab is beginning to straighten the breakout of the shell can occur in points of increased local chemical and temperature heterogeneity of the steel, from increased tension as a result of the bending of the slab and also from a high local concentration of non-metal and slag inclusions. Especially dangerous are the changes in the chemical composition of the steel during the actual concasting. In the case of two melts one immediately after the other, this could lead to immediate interruption in the concasting and a breakout. The material, physical, chemical and technological parameters, which both melts differed in were determined. If the dimensionless analysis is applied for assessing and reducing the number of these parameters, then it is possible to express the level of risk of breakout as a function of five dimensionless criteria.
Český abstrakt
Pro tuhnutí a chlazení kontinuálně lité bramy byl prováděn experimentální výzkum a měření současně s numerickým výpočtem. V sekundární zoně chlazení, kde dochází k narovnávání bramy, se může vyskytnout průval v důsledku vzrůstající lokální chemické a teplotní heterogenity oceli, rostoucích napětí a vysokých lokálních koncentrací nekovových vměstků. Zvláště nebezpečné jsou změny v chemickém složení v průběhu odlévání dvou po sobě následujících taveb. Pro stanovení míry rizika vzniku průvalu byla odvozena bezrozměrná kriteria zahrnující fyzikální a chemické parametry materiálů a technologické parametry.
Anglický abstrakt
The solidification and cooling of a continuously cast slab and the simultaneous heating of the mold is a very complicated problem of three-dimensional (3D) transient heat and mass transfer. The solving of such a problem is impossible without numerical models of the temperature field of the concasting processed through the concasting machine. Experimental research and measurements have to take place simultaneously with numerical computation, to be confronted with the numerical model and make it more accurate throughout the process. An important area of the caster is the secondary cooling zone, which is subdivided into thirteen sections. In this zone, where the slab is beginning to straighten the breakout of the shell can occur in points of increased local chemical and temperature heterogeneity of the steel, from increased tension as a result of the bending of the slab and also from a high local concentration of non-metal and slag inclusions. Especially dangerous are the changes in the chemical composition of the steel during the actual concasting. In the case of two melts one immediately after the other, this could lead to immediate interruption in the concasting and a breakout. The material, physical, chemical and technological parameters, which both melts differed in were determined. If the dimensionless analysis is applied for assessing and reducing the number of these parameters, then it is possible to express the level of risk of breakout as a function of five dimensionless criteria.
Klíčová slova česky
kontinuálně odlévaná brama, oscilační vrásky, hooky, chemické složení, průval, bezrozměrná kriteria
Klíčová slova anglicky
concast slabs, oscillation marks, hooks, chemical composition, breakout, dimensionless criteria
University of Parma
Parma, Italy
The 4th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP 2012). Book of Abstracts and CD
Číslo edice
Strany od–do
Počet stran
author="František {Kavička} and Jana {Dobrovská} and Karel {Stránský} and Bohumil {Sekanina} and Josef {Štětina} and Tomáš {Mauder},
title="Changes of the Chemical Composition of Continuously Cast Steel Slab and their Relation to Breakout",
booktitle="The 4th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP 2012). Book of Abstracts and CD",
publisher="University of Parma",
address="Parma, Italy",