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Tvorba ultrajemné eutektické slitiny tepelným zpracováním niklových povlaků
Český název
Tvorba ultrajemné eutektické slitiny tepelným zpracováním niklových povlaků
Anglický název
Formation of Ultrafine Eutectic in Hypereutectic Alloys Produced by Heat Treatment of Nickel Coated
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Originální abstrakt
Aluminium alloys have a very low density, excellent oxidation resistance and workability. However, their usability is often limited by poor mechanical resistance compared to other metals. Several methods to enhance mechanical properties of aluminium are known. One of them is a composite alloy formation, where a second phase with high elastic modulus is added. In a case of aluminium strengthened by intermetallics, the eutectic reaction can be properly utilized. Based on a constituent concentration, the hypo-eutectic or hyper-eutectic alloys could be produced. The paper focuses on the results of microstructural and differential thermal analyses of hypereutectic alloys, which were produced by an unconventional method consisting of sacrificial nickel coating formation on aluminium substrate and its subsequent annealing at the temperature above the melting point of aluminium.
Český abstrakt
Aluminium alloys have a very low density, excellent oxidation resistance and workability. However, their usability is often limited by poor mechanical resistance compared to other metals. Several methods to enhance mechanical properties of aluminium are known. One of them is a composite alloy formation, where a second phase with high elastic modulus is added. In a case of aluminium strengthened by intermetallics, the eutectic reaction can be properly utilized. Based on a constituent concentration, the hypo-eutectic or hyper-eutectic alloys could be produced. The paper focuses on the results of microstructural and differential thermal analyses of hypereutectic alloys, which were produced by an unconventional method consisting of sacrificial nickel coating formation on aluminium substrate and its subsequent annealing at the temperature above the melting point of aluminium.
Anglický abstrakt
Aluminium alloys have a very low density, excellent oxidation resistance and workability. However, their usability is often limited by poor mechanical resistance compared to other metals. Several methods to enhance mechanical properties of aluminium are known. One of them is a composite alloy formation, where a second phase with high elastic modulus is added. In a case of aluminium strengthened by intermetallics, the eutectic reaction can be properly utilized. Based on a constituent concentration, the hypo-eutectic or hyper-eutectic alloys could be produced. The paper focuses on the results of microstructural and differential thermal analyses of hypereutectic alloys, which were produced by an unconventional method consisting of sacrificial nickel coating formation on aluminium substrate and its subsequent annealing at the temperature above the melting point of aluminium.
Klíčová slova česky
ultrajemné eutektikum, Al slitiny, Ni povlaky, tepelné zpracování
Klíčová slova anglicky
Ultrafine Eutectic, Al alloys, Ni coating, Heat treatment
State Key Lab Organic-Inorganic Composites, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Beijing, China
ICCE - 20
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author="Ladislav {Čelko} and Lenka {Klakurková} and Bedřich {Smetana} and Karel {Slámečka} and Jiří {Švejcar} and Monika {Žaludová},
title="Formation of Ultrafine Eutectic in Hypereutectic Alloys Produced by Heat Treatment of Nickel Coated",
booktitle="ICCE - 20",
publisher="State Key Lab Organic-Inorganic Composites, Beijing University of Chemical Technology",
address="Beijing, China"