study programme
Materials Sciences
Original title in Czech: Materiálové vědyFaculty: FMEAbbreviation: D-MAT-PAcad. year: 2025/2026
Type of study programme: Doctoral
Study programme code: P0719D270004
Degree awarded: Ph.D.
Language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 18.2.2020 - 18.2.2030
Mode of study
Full-time study
Standard study length
4 years
Programme supervisor
Doctoral Board
Chairman :
prof. Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc.
Councillor internal :
prof. RNDr. Karel Maca, Dr.
prof. RNDr. Pavel Šandera, CSc.
Councillor external :
prof. RNDr. Antonín Dlouhý, CSc.
prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc.
Fields of education
Area | Topic | Share [%] |
Mechanical Engineering, Technology and Materials | Without thematic area | 100 |
Study aims
The aim of the doctoral study is:
• To ensure the education of graduate creative workers in the field of physics of materials and materials sciences for their work in the academic sphere, institutes of basic and applied research and departments of research and development of industrial companies.
• To enable the doctoral student to develop talent for creative activities and further development of a scientific or engineering personality. To ensure the development of their ability to process scientific knowledge in the field of study and related fields, both literary and their own acquired theoretical or experimental work.
• To develop the habits necessary for creative activity in the field of materials sciences and related fields and for communication with the scientific community.
• The doctoral study is primarily focused on basic research into the relationship between the structure, behaviour and properties of materials in relation to the parameters of their preparation with a focus on materials based on metals, polymers, and ceramics and their composites.
• The purpose of research carried out by doctoral students is also the development of new materials, optimization of useful properties of materials and prediction of their service life on the basis of theoretical and computational methods based on experiments.
Graduate profile
the graduate's profile, based on the current state of scientific knowledge and creative activities in the field of materials physics and materials science.
• The graduate of the study is a mature personality, creatively thinking, able to formulate and implement research projects of theoretical and experimental nature, or to develop and apply the knowledge of these projects in production practice.
• The doctoral student will gain broad theoretical and experimental knowledge in the field of modern materials and methods of their development, preparation, study of their behaviour under mechanical, thermal or corrosion stress and properties in relation to the structure.
• The graduate will be an expert capable of exact descriptions of processing processes, designs of very complex products from metals, ceramics and polymers and composites with these matrices, tools for their production, mathematical simulations of processing processes, modelling of mechanical behaviour of materials or predictions of its properties and durability.
• Graduates will be equipped with a broad knowledge of the properties and behaviour of structural ceramics, polymers, metallic materials and composites and processes in processing into final products and tools, both on a theoretical and practical level.
• Graduates are expected to be employed in leading positions associated with technical and technological preparation of production, where they will be able to develop production processes and their design on the basis of knowledge acquired through studies.
• Graduates will also be employed as research and development staff in applied research centres, and after subsequent scientific-pedagogical and foreign practice also as academic staff of universities and academic institutions.
Profession characteristics
• The doctoral programme "Materials Science" is built so that the graduate is a self-acting material specialist applicable in a number of areas, able to formulate and implement research, development and application projects.
• With regard to the role of materials in all design applications and technologies, creative workers in the field of materials science and engineering will always find appropriate applications at home and abroad, including in the following areas.
- Within the framework of postdoctoral projects at a number of foreign workplaces for graduates with the ambition to be active in the fields of scientific research.
- In the form of direct involvement in research teams of academic and applied research workplaces.
- In the departments of research and development of industrial enterprises, or interdisciplinary teams of these workplaces.
• In all these cases, full-fledged involvement can be expected not only in the Czech Republic, but also at foreign workplaces.
Fulfilment criteria
See applicable regulations, DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)
Study plan creation
The rules and conditions of study programmes are determined by:
STUDY AND EXAMINATION RULES of Brno University of Technology (USING "ECTS"),
DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)
DEAN´S GUIDELINE Rules of Procedure of Doctoral Board of FME Study Programmes
Students in doctoral programmes do not follow the credit system. The grades “Passed” and “Failed” are used to grade examinations, doctoral state examination is graded “Passed” or “Failed”.
Availability for the disabled
Brno University of Technology acknowledges the need for equal access to higher education. There is no direct or indirect discrimination during the admission procedure or the study period. Students with specific educational needs (learning disabilities, physical and sensory handicap, chronic somatic diseases, autism spectrum disorders, impaired communication abilities, mental illness) can find help and counselling at Lifelong Learning Institute of Brno University of Technology. This issue is dealt with in detail in Rector's Guideline No. 11/2017 "Applicants and Students with Specific Needs at BUT". Furthermore, in Rector's Guideline No 71/2017 "Accommodation and Social Scholarship“ students can find information on a system of social scholarships.
What degree programme types may have preceded
The doctoral study programme follows on the bachelor's and master's education in the specialization of Materials Engineering (B-MTI) and the master's program Materials Engineering (M-MTI). During the course, students are provided with a balanced basis of theoretical and engineering disciplines supplemented by laboratory teaching with the maximum possible use of the latest instrumentation and computer technology.
For other adepts with education at other universities, the completed master's degree must be permeable to the fields of Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Physics, Solid State Physics, Materials Chemistry, etc.
The doctoral programme in "Materials Science" replaces the existing doctoral study programme in "Physical and Materials Engineering". Both programmes are conceptually identical and after granting a favourable opinion with the accreditation of the "Materials Science" programme, doctoral students will complete their studies within the currently accredited programme.
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
- Advanced Processing of Eutectic High-Entropy Alloys: Microstructural Control, Phase Stability, and Damage Mechanisms
This doctoral research investigates the development and optimization of eutectic high-entropy alloys (HEAs) with ultra-fine microstructures through advanced metallurgical processing techniques. The study will systematically explore the effects of tailored heat treatments, controlled remelting processes, and state-of-the-art additive manufacturing methods on microstructural refinement and phase evolution. Emphasis is placed on establishing robust correlations between processing parameters, phase stability, and mechanical performance, while also elucidating the damage mechanisms that influence material durability under service conditions. Through a combination of experimental characterization and analytical modeling, this work aims to advance the fundamental understanding of HEAs and contribute to the development of next-generation materials for high-performance engineering applications.
Tutor: Jan Vít, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
- Creep of ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened alloys at low strain rates.
Oxide dispersion strengthened alloys (ODS) are very creep-resistant due to dislocations blocked by the dispersion below the threshold stress. The aim of the thesis is to confirm or disprove a hypothesis that creep at very low strain rates is controlled by the pulling of nano-oxides by dislocations stuck to their surfaces, and the thermodynamic model developed by Dr. Jiří Svoboda will provide a prediction of the basic parameters of the creep behavior. New FeAlOY ODS nanocomposite with a high-volume fraction of Y2O3 nanodispersion developed at IPM will be investigated at temperatures of 800 to 1100 °C by conventional creep tests, torsional and helicoidal specimen method. As the experiments are time-consuming, the incremental loading/unloading method will also be used to speed up the experiments. Creep test parameters such as stress exponent and activation energy of creep, or the dependence of creep rate on nanodispersion size and dislocation density, will allow us to confirm/disprove the hypothesis. In case of availability and frame of long-term cooperation with MCL Leoben in Austria, the selective laser melting (SLM) version of FeAlOY alloy will be investigated regarding microstructure and creep behavior. The Institute of Physics of Materials CAS [], which is fully equipped with all the required facilities, will be the workplace. Literature: [1] Wasilkovska, A., Bartsch, M., Messerschmidt, U., Hezog, R., Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A., Creep mechanisms of ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened alloys, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 133, 2003, 218-224. [2] Gamanov, Š., Luptáková, N., Bořil, P., Jarý, M., Mašek, B., Dymáček, P., Svoboda J., Mechanisms of plastic deformation and fracture in coarse grained Fe–10Al–4Cr–4Y2O3 ODS nanocomposite at 20–1300°C, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 24, 2023, 4863-4874. [3] Kloc, L., Mareček, P., Measurement of Very Low Creep Strains: A Review J., Test. Eval. 37, 2009, 53-58.
Tutor: Dymáček Petr, Ing., Ph.D.
- Cyclic plasticity of Al-Cu alloy processed by SLM Technology
Al-Cu-based alloys are widely used, especially in the automotive industry. In addition to standard production technologies (casting or forming), additive technologies are widely used currently, especially the SLM (Selective Laser Melting) technique. Processing of Al-Cu-based materials by SLM technology is problematic, however, by modifying the alloy, it is possible to reduce the susceptibility to hot cracking and achieve a homogeneous structure of equiaxed grains. The main goal of the dissertation will be the study of cyclic plastic behavior and the process of fatigue crack initiation of the alloy prepared by SLM technology.
- Characterization of the crack propagation behavior in austenitic stainless steels with gradient structures, fabricated by additive manufacturing methods
Thesis will deal with the characterization of fatigue crack propagation behavior in metastable austenitic stainless steels with specific microstructure. The materials will be fabricated using additive manufacturing methods, where the variation of the process parameters allows structure modification and formation of gradient/layered structures aiming for superior resistance to fatigue crack propagation. Candidate will adopt methods of measurement and evaluation of fatigue crack propagation behavior, characterization of the microstructure and the deformation mechanisms at the crack tip region using techniques of scanning and transmission electron microscopy.
Tutor: Jambor Michal, Ing., Ph.D.
- Machine-learned interatomic potentials for study of crystal lattice defects
Machine learning algorithms are currently under great development and their applications can be found also in computational material science. Using such approaches, it is possible to obtain information about interatomic interactions, which can be used subsequently for computer simulations of large-scale systems and predict material properties at real operation temperatures without the need for their experimental preparation. Material properties are strongly influenced by defects of crystal lattice such as impurity atoms, grain boundaries and twin boundaries. Therefore, it is necessary to develop procedures for training machine-learned potentials that will be able to cover the influence of mentioned defects.
Tutor: Zelený Martin, Ing., Ph.D.
- Medium-Entropy Alloys Using Immiscible Systems
Intrinsic immiscibility in both the solid and liquid states of systems such as Fe-Cu—or even other metal pairs like Cu-Cu or Mg-Ti—can be exploited to create novel microstructures with improved mechanical and thermal properties, thereby broadening the scope of alloy design. The design and characterization of medium-entropy alloys based on such immiscible systems, with the addition of elements such as Mn, Al, and others, represents a significant research direction in materials science. Through the synthesis of these complex alloys and the detailed analysis of their phase compositions, we investigate the structure–property relationships that govern their behavior. This research integrates modern manufacturing techniques, advanced characterization methods, and rigorous mechanical testing to generate insights applicable in the aerospace, automotive, and energy sectors. The topic offers a fusion of fundamental research and practical innovation, aiming to contribute to the progressive development of next-generation alloys.
Tutor: Jan Vít, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
- Mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in complex alloys
Complex alloys containing elements in equimolar ratio belongs to perspective group of advanced materials with extremely good combination of strength and deformation properties, with potential to improved corrosion resistance and other application properties. Excellent mechanical properties are result of combination of strengthening and toughening micromechanisms, in particular nanotwinning and deformation induced plasticity due phase transformations. PhD project will be focused on design of these alloys based on theoretical knowledge supported by semiempirical findings from similar systems. Selected compositions will be experimentally prepared by casting and powder metallurgy route. Then, relationship between microstructure, fabrication procedures and final mechanical properties will be investigated. Special interest will be focused on characterisation and quantification of deformation mechanisms and phase compositions by advanced electron microscopy methods. As a result new complex alloys with optimised preparation procedures, known performance during mechanical loading and key application properties.
Tutor: Dlouhý Ivo, prof. Ing., CSc.
- Prospective Ti-based materials for hydrogen storage
This disertation thesis aims to optimise key properties of Ti-based alloys for HS at technologically and economically acceptable pressures and temperatures. These HSMs offer long-term HS at low, practical pressures and temperatures, while achieving high theoretical volumetric energy densities. Compressorless HS can reduce operating costs, increase safety and simplify hydrogen technology.
Tutor: Král Lubomír, Ing., Ph.D.
Course structure diagram with ECTS credits
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
9AIV | Ab initio Calculations in Material Sciences | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9ALM | Applied Fracture Mechanics | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9DAT | Deposition and Additive Technologies | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9DMD | Dislocation Mechanisms of Plastic Deformations | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9FMP | Fractography and Micromechanisms of Failures | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9MOM | Materials Modelling | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9MEM | Advanced Methods of Electron Microscopy | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9SAE | Statistical Analysis and Experiment | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9SVK | Structure and Properties of Metallic Materials | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9MMM | Multilevel Modelling of Materials | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9VFM | Selected Chapters in Materials Science | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9ZMV | Testing of Mechanical Properties | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
9DPP | Degradation Processes and Service Life Prediction | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9FZM | Physical Base of Materials Fracture | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9MEK | Mechanics of Composites | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9MIK | Light Microscopy | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
9AJ | Academic English for Doctoral Studies | en | 0 | Compulsory | DrEx | Cj - 60 | yes | |
9KPC | Colloid and Surface Chemistry | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9MEO | Metallurgy of Steel | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9ESM | Modelling of Thermodynamic Stability and Phase Transformations | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9MMN | Modern Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9NTK | Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9NKM | Nonmetallic Materials | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9PKT | Advanced Ceramics Technologies | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9PTS | Progressive Technologies in Welding | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9SKE | Sintering of Ceramics Materials | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9WTF | Theory of Phase Transformations | cs, en | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes | |
9VMS | Selected Methods of Structure Analysis | cs | 0 | Recommended | DrEx | P - 20 | yes |